Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Lone Ranger

Have you ever wanted something so bad, so terribly bad, that it breaks your heart in two?  I'm not talking about someone of the opposite sex or a dream job.  I'm not even talking about something material, like a car.  What I'm referring to is much deeper...raw even.  Have you ever worked so hard to get "somewhere" and feel you've failed miserably? 
I finally rode my mtb for the second time since CX season started.  I've dropped the ball on keeping up with my 3x a week mtn rides.  Cross has taken over my life, but I should have been giving myself at least one day a week to train on the 29er.
Anyway, I was excited to ride with my friends, but my excitement soon turned into dry heaving...soon followed by the rush of disappointment.
Cue heartbreak now.
In my defense, I've been considered a "cyclist" since July of this year.  I don't even count my first road bike in 2006 nor my two sucky-ass DH seasons in California.  I've been consistently riding since July.  5 months.  You can't even fully develop a newborn in some chick's uterus in 5 months.  Does that make me feel any better...not really.
The fire of competition in my soul is so hot it burns even me.  I don't know where I got this blessing/curse, but I can remember being so upset about losing a basketball or volleyball game in HS that it made me cry.  Furious crying resembles break-up crying.  Break-up crying is just ugly.  It's pretty awful to watch.  Thank God no one has that shit on video.
I spent most of my mtb ride busting ass to catch up to my friends.  So much ass busting that I had to pull over and dry heave.  My heart rate never got above 160, which blew my mind because I felt hellaciously awful.  The downhills were fun...they always are.  My technical skills don't suck so much, but my motor can't keep up.
I'm admitting to the world that I spent the entire drive home crying my eyes out.  I don't know if it was the stress from not sleeping all week, work stress or bike stress.  Most likely a combination of all three.  Shit.  I'm cougar-aged and a mtb ride made me cry.  WTF.
I need to remember how this feels when I don't feel like training.  Sucking sucks.  Heartbreak sucks.  Why do you think I have been single for so long?  I'll sacrifice loneliness to save my heart from getting crushed, but I refuse to sacrifice my cycling goals for the same.  I just have to press forward and let this be a building block for future endeavors.  I will survive.  I will overcome.  I can't be slow forever...I hope I'm right about this one.
On the bright side, I climbed a bunch of crap I've not been able to on previous rides.  While slow, I managed to ride 'em hike-a-bike.  Ok, so I had to hike my bike after the near-vomiting...whatev.  50 yards of hiking isn't bad considering I was hiking nearly 80% of all mtb climbs in August.
My legs are trashed, my emotions are worn out and my heart is on the mend.  Today was another "training ride" that I will come to appreciate when I have a cycling breakthrough.  And there WILL be a breakthrough.  I've been crushin' pedals too hard to become a failure. 
"The only failures are those too afraid to tow the line."

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