Thursday, April 12, 2012

I must be crazy...

Well, I've done it.  I signed up for my first triathlon.  I always had it planned out perfectly in my head...hahahahaha. I laugh when I think about what I've done. 

I used to own a road bike.  I had to sell it when I lived in Mammoth because I needed rent money and didn't make enough in the off season to cover it.  I sold my pretty little bike.  Loved that thing.  In hindsight, I could smack myself.  That was nearly 6 years ago.

I just learned how to "swim" a little over a year ago.  Jamie Williams taught me.  I was always a little water monkey as a kid, but no one ever taught me how to blow water out of my nose and I certainly didn't know how to SWIM like a triathlete.  Thanks to her, I found something else to torture my body with.  I like torturing my body.

I'm a runner.  I suck at it...most of you have read to that conclusion by now.  I'm not fast.  I'm nothing special.  I CAN run farther and faster than your average human.  With that being said, your AVERAGE human sits on the couch and eats Cheetos all day, so go figure.  Anyhoo, I logged 80+ miles last month and feel like I can call myself a I do.  I even wear the little compression sleeves on my calves and spandex  booty shorts.  It's all about how good you look anyway, right?! :)

Sooooo, with all that being said, I pulled the trigger on the Gametime Sports Tri at Warriors Path State Park.  It's an Olympic distance (1000m swim, 26mi bike, 6.2mi run).  I guess I should also mention that it's exactly a month from today...a whole week after my very first half marathon, which is two days after my paramedic comprehensive final.  Comprehensive meaning: ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING OVER THE LAST 12 MONTHS.  Since I'm on a roll, I will point out I DO NOT have a road bike and HAVE NOT been on a road ride in nearly 6 years.  My brother has been building me a cyclocross bike (steel frame) and I will have road tires to make it "street legal". I have been in the pool TWICE in the last 6ish months.  I have a good running base, but still suck wind like a hot air least that's something. 

What the hell was I thinking?  I'm not sure.  I'll have to get back to you with that answer.  All I know is this...I LIKE TO SUFFER.  I like to push myself to the limit, even though I could kick my own ass for stacking up the first two weeks of May with straight up torture.  It's gonna be one hell of a ride, that's for sure.  I'll keep you updated. 

It's all or nothing, baby.

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